Plasmid purification is a vital technique aimed at isolating and purifying plasmid DNA from various cellular components, including genomic DNA, proteins, ribosomes, and bacterial cell walls. Plasmids, small circular double-stranded DNA molecules, serve as carriers of specific genetic information.
Our Plasmid Prep Workcell automates the labor-intensive process of plasmid preparation, significantly reducing hands-on time and ensuring consistent, high-quality results. By integrating advanced robotics and precise protocols, researchers can streamline DNA isolation, enabling rapid and reliable purification of plasmid DNA for downstream applications.
Upon introduction into a host organism via transformation, plasmids replicate autonomously, generating multiple copies of the DNA fragment under investigation. This amplification process facilitates genetic studies, enabling researchers to analyze and manipulate specific DNA sequences with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy.
Our small footprint Plasmid Prep Workcell supports standard miniprep protocols and includes a SOLO™ automated pipettor, a FilterPress™ automated 96 well filter plate positive pressure manifold, and a microplate shaking nest. High throughput can be added by including a PlateCrane™ robotic arm and microplate hotels. We designs workcells for both commercially available plasmid miniprep kits as well as proprietary plasmid DNA miniprep protocols.
Our automated solutions empower researchers to expedite DNA isolation, streamline workflows, and accelerate genetic studies across various fields, from molecular biology to biotechnology.
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