CytoLoader™ for Flow Cytometry Platforms

Automating your flow cytometry workflow couldn’t be simpler with CytoLoader™ for Flow Cytometry Platforms. 1. Select one of your pre-defined methods in your flow cytometer
LabLinx™ Automated Microplate Delivery System

LabLinx Automated Microplate Delivery System is our unique linear track-based microplate delivery system that enables you to store and deliver plates to any compatible laboratory
PlateCrane™ SciClops™ Robotic Arm

The PlateCrane SciClops extended reach robotic arm is the latest version of our cylindrical automated robot arm, optimized for handling common labware, including microplates, reservoirs,
PA1000™ Microplate Barcode Print and Apply System

The Hudson PA1000™ Microplate Barcode Print and Apply System is an ideal choice for any budget and space. The PA1000 can be manually loaded or
PlateCrane EX™ Robotic Arm Microplate Handler

PlateCrane EX™ Robotic Arm Microplate Handler is optimized for handling labware in the “ANSI SLAS,” including microplates, reservoirs, and disposable tip racks. PlateCrane is optimized